4 Ways To Know if Your Heating System Is Energy Efficient

Heating and cooling go hand in hand, as they are parts of the same unit. However, it’s typical that the heating elements get put on the back burner until the seasons change. You should always maintain your heater for the best performance annually. Here are four ways to know if your heating system is energy efficient to keep your unit up to standards.
Keep an Eye on Your Utilities
As the seasons change, you might notice a rise and fall in your utility bills. This fluctuation is a normal occurrence that most people cannot avoid. However, if you notice anything changing outside of the seasonal average, you should investigate this concern. Make a calendar for yourself and list your monthly averages so you can track your progress to see how well your unit works. Organization will help you actively maintain it as necessary.
Stay Aware of Your AFUE Rating
If you have yet to hear of this, you should verse yourself on your AFUE rating. This is a standardized scale of where your heating element should be in conjunction with its activity. AFUE stands for annual fuel utilization efficiency. It measures how efficiently your heater uses the electrical current to power itself. You’ll know if the rating changes once you have it tested.
What To Look For As Your Heater Ages
We know that through use, things wear down over time. You should look out for a few things with your heater as it ages. If you hear weird noises, such as pipes creating sounds as the heater functions, you should investigate the system or your ductless split unit for problems. The blower from your ducts not blowing as hard—or harder than normal—is a sign of age.
Invest in an Airtight Test
You can determine how well your heater operates if you decide to test your home’s HVAC system. These tests work by checking your home for cracks in the sealing of doors, windows, and walls. Any openings like these can cause your heating and cool air to leak. The severity of these gaps determines how they affect your air conditioning. This test is important because a malfunctioning system can put stress on your heater and cause it to fail much sooner than it would naturally.
If you consider these four ways to know if your heating system is energy efficient, you will have heat when needed. No one should ever go without heat during the colder half of the year, so ensure you stay on top of your system’s condition.