Ways Your HVAC System Can Alleviate Allergies

Allergy season is here and will remain here for some time. That can be terrible for people who can’t get a breathing break indoors or outdoors. Fortunately, many heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems—particularly mini splits—can provide allergy relief. Here are just a few ways your HVAC system can alleviate allergies.
Keep It Clean
This should already be a common practice for you: Periodically clean and maintain your HVAC system. Your system works very hard to keep the air warm or cool as well as free from dust, debris, dander, and other particles. Once a year, hire a technician to perform cleaning, maintenance, testing, and a checkup. Regular maintenance keeps your HVAC system chugging along. In between checkups, be sure to keep vents clear and free from dust and change or clean the air filters as the seasons change. This will keep down the dust and prevent mold and mildew growth.
High-Efficiency Air Filters
Speaking of air filters, buy only the best. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters remove most of the dust, pollen, mites, mold, dander, and hair from the air. They are worth the investment since they’ll thoroughly clean your home throughout their cycle, making it easier to breathe easy. And stay on top of those filter changes!
It’s the Humidity!
Controlling the humidity levels in your home goes a long way toward alleviating allergies. High humidity fosters mold and mildew growth; low humidity dries things out, including your nasal passages, leaving you open to irritation. Many HVAC systems already have dehumidifiers and humidifiers that keep the air’s moisture content at a pleasant level.
Add an Air Purifier
Your HVAC system works hard to keep things comfortable indoors. Give it a little help by investing in a separate air purifier. Some air purifiers can even work with your HVAC system, removing even more allergens with advanced filtration systems that neutralize assorted particles and pollutants!
Look for Leaks
Another way to help your HVAC system is sealing leaks around windows, doors, and other openings where allergens can get in. It also prevents your HVAC system from working too hard since conditioned air stays inside. That’s not only good for your nose, eyes, and lungs; it’s also great for your wallet since you’ll save on electricity!
Those are just a few ways your HVAC system can alleviate allergies. If you’d like to talk about your HVAC options, including ducted mini splits and other systems, contact us for a consultation!